
way of life

Bosa and Santu Lussurgiu

Bosa – Santu Lussurgiu: Another life is possible

Bosa and its happiness Every time I leave Bosa, it’s a bit sad to leave as well its light hearted people. As soon as you get outside the village, it’s worth to stop to admire at a glance the castle, the river, and the village itself, that looks nestled among the hills, with its houses...
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Sardinian food

Ogliastra and its cheeses

What kind of person/cyclist are you? Well, in Ogliastra, land of brave men and women, you could sort its mankind in different types, by using an alimentary metaphor: its cheeses. Let’s see: were you a cyclist coming back very tired from your long trip, you’ll be just able to fall weakly on a sofa, ammattulàu. As...
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A pic nic by the sea in Sardinia

Cyclo-tourism and agro-alimentary richness of Sardinia

We as cyclo-tourists have taken to heart the lesson “man is what he eats”, always eating properly (at least, during our rides!) but without forgetting our personal tastes. We cyclo-tourists of the ancient land of Sardinia can enjoy what is an authentic alimentary treasure trove, very rich both from nutritional and tasty point of view...
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Happy cyclists on a bike trip in Sardinia

The easy job of a cycling guide

People think that a Cycling tour leader is a nerd that just likes to ride his own bike. Let’s put this way, usually you need some more skills. Let’s have a look to some of them. 1- Inspiring motivator You are leading a group of Italians in Brittany, notoriously a place where it never rains,...
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