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Cannoli, Sicily dessert

10 reasons to visit Sicily cycling or with an active tour

Sicily is Kaleidoscopic. The richness of this island manifests itself through architecture, art, culture, and obviously in the food. Expect nothing less than falling deep in love. Sicily in the Mediterranean sea The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. About 228 days of sunshine. Phoenicians, Greeks, Roman, the Baroque, arts, music, cuisine. 3 international airports […]

Arnaldo Caprai winery

Our approach to Covid-19

Dear guests, we are looking forward to 2021 and we know you want to travel and being in tour with us. Even if you are on the other side of the ocean, we really feel your fondness for us 🙂 What we are doing: We are watching closely the evolving of this situation, researching the […]

Solera y Criadera

The Solera method, allegory of a perfect community

Wandering for producers of Brandy, Marsala, Rum, but above all Madeira and Sherry, you will undoubtedly have come across barrels stacked like a pyramid. This very scenic arrangement of barrels is not a picturesque choice, but reveals one of the most fascinating and illuminating methods of aging wines. This winemaking technique allows for preserving the […]

Sardinia Cycling Jersey

The Change a Life Cycle Tour 2019 in Sardinia

South Africa discovers Sardinia! The Change a Life Cycle Tour https://changealifecycle.co.za/ is an annual charity cycle tour to raise funds for crime prevention and youth development projects. This event started in 2008 in memory of Mike Thomson, a Computershare executive who was murdered at his family home in 2007 in South Africa. The 2019 location was […]

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