

A pic nic by the sea in Sardinia

Cyclo-tourism and agro-alimentary richness of Sardinia

We as cyclo-tourists have taken to heart the lesson “man is what he eats”, always eating properly (at least, during our rides!) but without forgetting our personal tastes. We cyclo-tourists of the ancient land of Sardinia can enjoy what is an authentic alimentary treasure trove, very rich both from nutritional and tasty point of view...
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Happy cyclists on a bike trip in Sardinia

The easy job of a cycling guide

People think that a Cycling tour leader is a nerd that just likes to ride his own bike. Let’s put this way, usually you need some more skills. Let’s have a look to some of them. 1- Inspiring motivator You are leading a group of Italians in Brittany, notoriously a place where it never rains,...
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Sardinia Grand Tour cycling itinerary

Sardinia Grand Tour, Island’s cycling itinerary

Probably, the world’s most popular cycling itinerary is the Danube cycling route, starting from Passau, then arriving in Vienna. A longer version arrives till Budapest. France has the “Loire a Velo”, an itinerary that discovers the castles along the river from Orleans till Nantes and the Atlantic ocean. England has the C2C, a coast to...
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Nathan Farrugia

From Corsica to Sardinia: the quest of Nathan Farrugia

Sardinia Grand Tour is honoured to support the epic event that sees Nathan Farrugia involved in a great challenge combining the two islands of Sardinia and Corsica with its cultures and people, in a single ride from the northern shore of Corsica to the very south of Sardinia. This is definitely one of the worlds toughest...
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start of sgt rando 2014

The SGT Event has been ridden, a magnificent 4 days journey across Sardinia!

First day we rode the Randonnée crossing the north from Arzachena to Alghero, via Sant’Antonio di Gallura, Tempio, Castelsardo, Nulvi and Sassari. We covered 4 of the most beautiful stages of Sardinia Grand Tour for a beautiful C2C approved by the ARI/BRM certificate 200Km. All foods and refreshement has been selected and provided by local...
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Audax Club Parisien Logo

First racers who have obtained the SGT Randonnée ARI/BRM brevet

On May 1st, 2014 we rode the first SGT Randonnée. We left early in the morning from Arzachena, crossing the whole rocky Gallura, from Sant’Antonio to Tempio Pausania, where we did the first rest stop after 50km, and then down to the amazing Valle della Luna. In the late morning we arrived under the medieval...
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Food from Sardinia

What we are going to eat during the Randonnée and the Sardinia Grand Tour inaugural journey

We do support natural food and we’re glad to share it with those friends who are going to participate in the Sardinia Grand Tour. This choice will be visible starting from the box that participants are going to find on the Randonnée day, being it provided with Sardinian-only food: Maracalagonis’ almonds Almonds are rich in...
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Trekking Bike

Does the perfect touring bike exist?

A touring bike must be, most of all, comfortable, and for this reason steel frames are the best choice, also because they are the easiest-to-repair ones during long solitary journeys and in remote places. To whom can afford it, I advice to take a titanium frame, because it is almost as light as aluminum and...
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Panorama Gallura e Sassarere

Advices for the Randonnée – Part 1

Hi everybody, some friends of us are asking for some information on bike and equipment, clothing and alimentation for the Randonnée. A few days ago I wrote something in general about the training for our Randonnée; today I’ll go into detail by taking the cue from the excellent Manuale del giovane randonneur by Mauro Pansarelli and...
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Bike group

FAQ on SGT Randonnée 2014

What time is SGT Randonnée due to start? The SGT Randonnée is going to start as French randonneurs do, that is to say that you can begin your journey within a definite time interval, being it in this case from 6.00 AM to 8.30 AM, in max 10 persons groups. This is to avoid too...
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