

Cycling in Sardinia by the sea

When to spend a cycling holiday in Sardinia?

We’ve been asked this question many times, this is our opinion about each season, hope it helps! (by the way this picture was taken in February :)) Winter – If cold stay by the coast Yes, winter is cold also in Sardinia, but mostly inland. We’ve been guiding several tours during new years eve, and...
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Santu Lussurgiu and Fordongianus

Santu Lussurgiu to Fordongianus – A taste of inner Sardinia

A stage that let us taste the inland before ending in Fordongianus, a place where ancient Romans settled as a base to try to conquer the heart of the island in the Barbagia region. Crossing a vast plateau We leave Santu Lussurgiu along a comfortable downhill among the olive groves on this slopes of Montiferru,...
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Cycling Guides

Stories of guides: Climbing the life

Sardinia in spring is really a place you want to be, when blossoms have an incredible scent, sky is just perfect and the temptation to try the first dive of the season gets strong. We were about to start our Sardinia west coast tour, that crosses all island from west to east, a ride along...
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Bosa and Santu Lussurgiu

Bosa – Santu Lussurgiu: Another life is possible

Bosa and its happiness Every time I leave Bosa, it’s a bit sad to leave as well its light hearted people. As soon as you get outside the village, it’s worth to stop to admire at a glance the castle, the river, and the village itself, that looks nestled among the hills, with its houses...
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Alghero and Bosa

Alghero Bosa – When a road is a touristic attraction

The Alghero Bosa is a strip of road suspended between a volcanic mountain range and the sea. It’s just called “The Alghero Bosa Road” or, with a bit of poetry, “The scenic Alghero Bosa road ”. Cyclists consider it as one of the most beautiful roads of whole island… if not more. We’ll tell you...
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Sardinian Experience

Emotion, to create a really unique journey

Well, we have designed and created a tour, every small detail has been checked and it will definitely work. The uniqueness of the experience is the ultimate luxury. What can we add to transform our tour into an unique experience? What makes an unforgettable experience is the real knowledge and love for the region from...
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Tuscany Dance

Creating a bike tour, part 4 – Add Emotion!

The uniqueness of the experience is the ultimate luxury. What can we add to transform our tour into an unique experience? What makes an unforgettable experience is the real knowledge and love for the region from the one that design and (possibly) guides the tour. Knowledge refers not just to roads or places, but it...
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Cycling in Sardinia

Creating a bike tour, part 3 – Reliability

Create a Manual, to get a reliable tour Once the tour has been designed, we need a document that helps us to repeat it using same standards, and allows the new tour leaders to guide it comfortably. That document is the manual book of the tour, that literally explains every single moment of the day....
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Sardinia by Bike

Creating a bike tour, part 2 – Planning and scouting

After the first brainstorming about the concept, usually using a map to have an idea of stages and activities, then we can start to actually design the tour.   Desk planning This stage it’s an analysis of the area and possible routes at desk, using: Existing materials (guide books, web sites, tours of other tour...
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Bike in West Coast Sardinia

Creating a bike tour, part 1 – Five useful suggestions

Business is not the only reason behind the design of a new tour. Often there’s an intuition, an opportunity, even a dream. This is the first of a number of posts about the design of a bike tour: The concept, the planning, the creation of gps tracks, maps and road books, the tour manual. Define...
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