
Trekking Bike

Does the perfect touring bike exist?

A touring bike must be, most of all, comfortable, and for this reason steel frames are the best choice, also because they are the easiest-to-repair ones during long solitary journeys and in remote places. To whom can afford it, I advice to take a titanium frame, because it is almost as light as aluminum and...
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Panorama Gallura e Sassarere

Advices for the Randonnée – Part 1

Hi everybody, some friends of us are asking for some information on bike and equipment, clothing and alimentation for the Randonnée. A few days ago I wrote something in general about the training for our Randonnée; today I’ll go into detail by taking the cue from the excellent Manuale del giovane randonneur by Mauro Pansarelli and...
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Group bike

Training for the SGT Randonnée

SGT’s distance and difference in height certainly demand a good training, but the target of 193 km is within many sportsmen’s reach. Rather than by the training, the difference is made by the capability of managing your own energies, mental ones included, in order to face the obvious difficulties (wind, heat, strain, pain, hunger…) of...
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SGT Randonnéé 2014

What is a Randonnée

A Randonnée is a long distance bike ride. It’s not a race, the goal is not to win, rather to complete the ride enjoying it and the landscape with friends. From website “No fast neither slow, just far. To discover a different Cycling, not inflamed by competition, rank, starting grids, yet challenging. A Cycling...
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